Bobby Talahytewa

Comanche Chief

11" total height

This outstanding carving was created by Hopi master carver Bobby Talahytewa. Bobby comes from a family of very fine carvers. Bobby was born in Moenkopi. He was introduced to Kachina-doll carving by his family while he was growing up.

His father Stacy Talahytewa, has carved dolls for sale for thirty years, providing all of the family’s income from his work. Stacy carves arms and legs separately, glues them to the body of the carved doll and adorns the heads with chicken or turkey feathers. His dolls are relatively small and are painted over the whole body.

Bobby’s mother, Louise, is from Cochiti Pueblo in New Mexico, where women do not carve Kachina dolls. All four brothers and 7 of Bobby’s 8 sisters carve kachina dolls. Bobby and his brothers and sisters grew up seeing their parents carve for an income, so it was natural for Bobby to pick up the craft when he was in his teens and to earn money from it.

Bobby’s dolls are amazingly fine and usually out of one piece of wood. He has an excellent style and finishes them with more detail than most carvers. His carvings are very well proportioned and finely executed and painted. Bobby also does an excellent job of using motion in his carvings which is very difficult.

This particular piece has an extremely smooth finish. Bobby prides himself in his super-fine sanding technique. This is one aspect of his work that characterizes his figures over others. The super-smooth surface feels almost velvct-like.

Another feature are the smallest details - such as the folds in the robe or the beadwork moccasins. The hands, fingers, and knuckles are also done very well.

Bobby is also well known for his multiple figure masterpieces, and we hope to see more of his work in the months ahead. If you are interestedin seeing more work by Bobby Talahytewa, please let us know!


Gallery Price: $1,500.00


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